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English W131 Semester Reflection

            This semester, I set out with having the goal of simply obtaining an A in English W131.  However, over the course of the semester, my goals have shifted somewhat.  While I still wish to earn an A grade, I have put much more time and effort into my writings and WIX page than I originally intended.  I began to want to create great set pieces that I could use as examples for the future, either for me or those around me.  I also set out with the goal to become a stronger writer.  While the task seemed daunting, it became simpler as I worked through the countless assignments and spent hours reading other writings and my own written sources.  Reading other professionally recognized authors helped to shape my writings and think more like they would while using certain strategies.  The study we did over different thesis types also resonated with me.  I began to realize that I much referred the XYZ thesis, versus the three- or four-point thesis.  The XYZ thesis gave me more opportunity to foreshadow what was to come, whilst continuing to be brief and not drag on.  It gave my introduction a more professional feel, as it provided the audience with the points, problem, and solution all in one simple sentence.  What a strategy!


            This semester, I have learned how to analyze, revise, and develop a strong written literal source.  I developed the ability to take the strategies of other writings and incorporate them into my own writing without plagiarism.  One way that showed this set of “skills” is in Writing Project 2.  I used the descriptive nature of the article we read in class about a woman’s night with an Afghan warlord.  I emphasized my intent to give good descriptions of my surroundings and conversations with those around me.  I have also learned the correct way to cite sources, when to create a bibliography, and which bits of information are actually pertinent to my topic, as opposed to using random informatory pieces.  The semester began muddy and uneventful but picked up speed like a snowball rolling down a hill.  When I began work on the first assigned project, I felt completely lost.  The work listed in the W131 database felt overwhelming, and I felt as if I would never get to the end of it.  Each time I arrived in class or viewed the discussions, I felt as if I was behind.  The level of difficulty in W131 compared to high school was on another plateau.  The first assignment in the class was to read a very long article on “Contact Zones”, and answer a page of analytics, thought-provoking questions.  After my second hour on the assignment, I felt as if I wouldn’t be able to finish the class.  However, as I got into the meat of the class, it became clearer and simpler.  The process of creating a finished product at this level made more sense to me.  I was able to create a literary piece that had citations, dialogue rebuttals, and so on, that sounded pretty darn good!  This class truly helped me to attain the goals I set for myself, and I feel as if I have become a stronger writer and a better student because of it.


            I developed my WIX page to be both visually and academically appealing.  While I am not sure if I absolutely accomplished such a task, I feel good about its layout, navigability, and wording.  Creating the WIX page allowed me to become academically engaged while putting a little “pizzazz” on top.  It helped me to revise and edit the pieces I had written.  When I develop a website, I think about how the entire world has the chance to view what I have created.  When a creation of mine has my name stamped on top, I believe that I must provide the best quality work to present myself in the best possible way.  That is the reason as to why I spent so much time working, developing, and editing little pieces of both my written work and the visual bits.  The WIX page has also given me a level of excitement to look forward to in English W131.  I am a very big “electronics guy”, and I love visually appealing things such as a beautifully designed website that is both simple and elegant.  The WIX portion of the class gave me the opportunity to be engaged and allowed me to expand in my writing expertise, as well as work with something that I quite enjoy.  The ability to work outside of just a Word document instilled a deeper like for writing and literature in me.

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